Dual 1009 F Record Changer


This 1009F kept the solid 1009 mechanics… the four pole induction, w/ low magnetic field &  vibration free drive. Its arm was the big improvement. That 1009’s shorter arm was for 10″ 78 records using ceramic cartridges. The 1009Fs longer lighter arm let lower stylus pressure magnetic cartridges & 12 ” long play records work.

SKU: Dual1009 F


The 1009F’s earlier brother the 1009 lets you record your old 10″, 78’s. Its pitch control even lets those old Brunswick records, recorded to play a little faster than 78 rpms sound as they were meant to. Its heavy platter delivered stable speed, so low wow-and-flutter. Its stylus pressure adjustment accurately let the stylus do its job (i.e. unitl the 1009, 6 grams was the typical stylus pressure for ceramic and crystal cartridges then. The onset of Hi Fidelity brought new cartridges with better performance when used at 2 grams for the ceramic & crystal cartridges or as low as .5 grms for the new magnetic cartridges… plus they ploughed those old records less and extended their lives. The 1009 was the first world wide reliable record player with a tone arm that achieved those those low stylus pressures).