Ave Maria by Frieda Hempel – 82549R & L


This record, released in 1918, features the performance adapted to the “Intermezzo” from “Cavalleria Rusticana”  and composed by Pietro Mascagni on its right side. On the left side is an :Explanatory Talk Of Ave Maria by Harry E. Humphrey.

SKU: 82549


This two sided 10″ record features soprano with orchestra in Italian, Frieda Hempel, and with violin obbligato by Mary Zentay

This is one of the 1/4 inch thick black carbon Edison records, with the earlier etched information instead of printed label.

Edison Diamond discs were recorded at 80 rpm is using a horizontal diaphragm, so intended it to be played back on an Edison phonograph that also used a horizontal stylus/cartridge that Edison referred to as diamond tipped.
It should not be played on any of the steel tip vertical diaphragm stylus players of that era. They will destroy the up and down modulated groves as they are meant for side to side modulation.